POLO Magazine Grants
POLO Magazine Grants for Oceania and the Pacific Region Including Australia have now closed. Nominations for Applications will re-open for the 2016-2017 Polo Season in October 2016.
POLO Magazine Grants 2015-16
POLO Magazine Sponsorships and Grant Applications for 2015-16 are now available for Australian Polo Clubs. All Polo Clubs that meet application pre-requisites and which have an actual (not virtual please) membership and club house or canteen/playing field located in Australia may apply for a POLO Magazine Sponsorship or Grant. Here is our list of clubs eligible to submit an application.
All Australian based clubs interested in applying are invited to write requesting a 2015-16 POLO Magazine Sponsorship and Grants Application Pack to us at removed
If your club is not on our list of eligible Australian Polo Clubs you may wish to write to us with your club contact details and we will follow your enquiry up. Please write to removed