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Pink Polo Nominated Best Sporting Event

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Please find below the latest news from Pink Polo.

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Pink Polo Nominated Best Sporting Event


Abu Dhabi - February 27, 2013:

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Pink Polo presented by ADCB, a unique Polo initiative that was created in Abu Dhabi to support breast cancer awareness in the UAE, was yesterday nominated as Best Sport Event at the inaugural Sport Industry Awards (SPIA).


The SPIA awards was created by Gulf Sports Media, the pioneers of Sport360, the world’s only English language daily sports newspaper, along with trade and consumer publication specialists, Mediaquest.


The awards will honor top industry leaders for their contribution to the development of sport in the UAE.


Pink Polo’s founder Carrie McNeill, who launched Pink Polo in 2010, said:

"It's a great recognition to be nominated in this prestigious award. I believe Pink Polo has helped promote the sport of polo to a whole new audience and I believe our concept has showcased how the power of sport can be used to unite a community to support a great cause.


"Just to have our event competing with big sports such as football, tennis and golf is a proud achievement for polo in general and for us as organisers. 


"We have had great support from leading local businesses such as Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank as well as international brands, St Regis Resorts & Hotels who recognised Pink polo last year. The vision would not have been possible without the support of His Highness Sheikh Falah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, whose Ghantoot Racing & Polo Club is one of the biggest driving forces of polo in the region, along with government support from Abu Dhabi Sports Council."


The Pink Polo concept is developed and managed by Mama Creative a company which develops ideas to power strategic alliances between governments, international brands and grassroot communities.


Designed as an enjoyable family day out, Pink Polo was created as a way to break down social taboos associated with breast cancer awareness.


McNeil said: “At Mama Creative, we design ideas and solutions that drive brands and entities forward while supporting the local community.  Pink Polo is a great showcase where government and businesses can associate with an event that not only bring exposure to their brand but at the same time includes CSR as an added bonus. The meaning of the terms “sustainability” and “business” are undergoing a transition and companies are now beginning to understand that in order to create bigger returns on investment and profits, they need to give more emphasis to the social value of business, moving beyond the simple goal of profit maximisation.”


Pink Polo is presented by ADCB and supported by Official Partners St. Regis Hotel & Resorts, Mercedes-Benz, Emirates Motors Company and Omnia.


The 2013 Pink Polo will start on October 1 with a UAE-wide University Campus tour leading up to the main family day taking place on Friday November 8.


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For more information visit www.pinkpolo.ae and follow us on Facebook/PinkPoloworld




For more information contact

Carrie McNeill, Founder Pink Polo o

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