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The Cotswold International Polo Day - Sunday 24th June

The Cotswold International Polo Day - Sunday 24th June

Cirencester Park Polo Club 

The Cotswold International Polo Day 2018 

Dear All, We hope you are well. Cirencester Park Polo Club are introducing a new and exciting event this year - The Cotswold International Polo Day which will be held on Sunday 24th June and we hope you will be able to join us. The Cotswold International Polo Day brings together two highlights of the Polo calendar, The Warwickshire Cup and The Ladies International. As most of you are aware the Warwickshire Cup is one of the oldest at Cirencester Park Polo Club. Established in 1960 as a high-goal tournament, it has since become one of the most historic and competitive trophies in the country with teams from all over the world taking part. The Ladies International will see the best of England’s players take on some of the African nation’s finest players from Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa with the ultimate winner raising the trophy in one of the country’s most prestigious ladies polo matches. Along with the polo there will also be a retail village where visitors can shop for all things equestrian alongside an eclectic mix of stalls. There will be some fabulous food on offer as well as a bar to keep the Champagne and refreshments flowing during the day, leading to the after party.Please save the date and ensure you have pre-booked your table with Relish (01285 658 444)  by Friday 8th June to avoid disappointment. Look out for the list of trade stands and food stalls that will be joining us via our social media channels. Best wishes, The Polo Office

Our mailing address is:Cirencester Polo Office,The Old Kennels,Unit 2 and 3,Cirencester,GL7 1UR 
Tel: 01285 653225Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: www.cirencesterpolo.co.uk
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